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Michael Brooker has done it again by compiling another useful document! A huge list of podcasts along with links of where to find them! There should be something interesting in here for all of us ๐Ÿ™‚

1. Art + Music + Technology (hosted by Darwin Grosse) https://artmusictech.libsyn.com/

2. Podular Modcast (hosted by Tim Held) https://podularmodcast.fireside.fm/

3. Esoteric Modulation (hosted by Edward Ball & Ben Wilson/divkid) https://www.esotericmodulation.com/

4. Source of Uncertainty [Buchla] (hosted by Kyle Swisher/Dark Sparkler & Robert) https://sourceofuncertainty.podbean.com/

5. The Ratโ€™s Nest Podcast [patch focused] https://feeds.transistor.fm/the-rats-nest-podcast

6. Data Cult Audio [music, with appearances from Paul Stillwell/Intrepita and Heidi Chan/Bachelard] https://datacultaudio.com/

7. Why We Bleep [interviews with leading voices in modular/hardware/software synthesis] (hosted by MylarMelodies) https://www.whywebleep.com/whywebleep

8. SOUND + PROCESS [a podcast featuring compositions by artists belonging to the online community lines (http://llllllll.co), the Monome forum] https://soundcloud.com/sound-and-process

9. Knob Twiddlers Hangout [not 100% modular/hardware specific, but a great all around resource for electronic music makers] (hosted by Speedy J) https://tunein.com/podcasts/Music-Podcasts/Knob-Twiddlers-Hangout-p1331026/

10. A History of Electronic Music [a short-lived but informative podcast incl. aspects of electronic music history that are often overlooked e.g. Hammond, Krautrock, & Yellow Magic Orchestra] (hosted by Paul Sheeky) http://www.ahoem.org/?page_id=206

11. Electronic Music (hosted by Sound On Sound magazine) https://www.stitcher.com/show/electronic-music

12. Ask.Audio Synth Stories [now defunct podcast on the techniques used by electronic musicians and producers] https://www.stitcher.com/show/askaudio-synth-stories